A Head on the Branch. A Weird Find in the Forest [Hucisko, Poland]

You can never know what you’ll find on the way to well known places. Sometimes these finds may stick in mind for even longer time than the final destination of the trip.

I was on the way to quite famous site in Hucisko, a village in Southern Poland, when I saw something white in the forest nearby and that forced me to step off the road for a while.

The closer I was getting, the creepier it looked.

Finally, I saw it—a bald head of a mannequin put on the branch, ‘decorated’ with a scarf-like plastic bag and small purse.

Different thing come to mind seeing something like this. The first impression I got about it was that there should something bad going in nearby and the head was a warning not to enter the area. However, the curiosity was stronger, so I could not simply leave the place without having a closer look on the spooky creature which turned to be a nice weird lady.

It’s worth to mention her impressive make-up. Too bad she didn’t care about choosing a proper haircut. Or maybe simply wanted to be original.

Seen from the different perspective.

As a real lady, she had an elegant purse.

I was so curious about her further story that I even went to this place one year later. However, the creepy lady was gone—who knows, maybe now she is freaking out passersby somewhere else. Nothing spooky has left in Hucisko, hovewer, the village is still worth to visit of another weird thing there—a huge sculpture of a chair created in honour of Polish artist Tadeusz Kantor.

For the conclusion, the last look of the creepy lady. Am I the only one with the impression that trunks are her legs and she is dancing?

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