A maze of metal constructions and massive machines. I have no idea how they function but I’m pretty sure that it would be enough to press just one button to make them work again. This huge abandoned industrial site in Latvia is so well preserved that the silence in its endless halls reminds you the end of shift rather than the shutdown of production.
Once cute dolls left for years in the forest which due to constantly changing weather conditions has turned into something creepy. This spooky site was supposed to be the least demanding location on that trip to Germany. No climbing over the walls or entering the buildings through the windows, just finding the spooky spot in the forest. However the closer I was the more unsure it felt. When I was planning this trip I had to blow away a thick layer of dust from the coordinates of this place. What if the location already doesn’t exist? What if having just approximate coordinates I won’t find the site and will spend the whole evening searching for it?