A house with hands embracing a tree, a giant clock adorned with sculptures, and vivid walls—could you imagine such an extraordinary building exists? It does! This remarkable place located in Brno, Czech Republic, known as Kristkův Dům, is a real architectural marvel. It undoubtedly captures the attention of passersby, which is no surprise at all, given its truly extraordinary design.
Plenty of bizarre decorations, a gallery in a bus, and even a toilet inside an old chapel—can you imagine all of this in one place? Welcome to Skalákův Mlýn, a cultural park for misfits! Located in Meziříčko, Czech Republic, this unique site is well-known for hosting underground music and poetry festivals.
The next stop: the rooftop! An old tram in Jihlava, Czech Republic, has found itself in a truly unusual spot. How else would you describe the sight of a vehicle perched on the roof of a garage? Anyone walking by is sure to stop and marvel at this incredible display. So, what’s the story behind it?