Definitely one of the most beautiful abandoned places that I have ever visited. The incredibly well preserved abandoned house of the architect is situated in a small town somewhere in France. Decaying since years, it is still full of furniture, decorations and personal belongings of its former inhabitants—it can be easily said that the time has literally stopped there. Hours could be spent exploring each corner of the house and discovering the details that can let you take a quick glimpse on the life in this once so luxurious place.
The blueness and butterflies. These are two things that will sure stuck in mind for a along time after visiting the abandoned palace situated in some village in Serbia. No matter how pale and its walls are, a bit of imagination will let you see how vivid they were in the time of the greatness of this building. Probably the most impressive part of the palace is an elegant staircase with huge colorful butterflies flying there and greeting each unexpected visitor who by some reason entered the site.
An easy to jump over the fence doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be also simple to access the building surrounded by it. This abandoned villa in Serbia is ‘guarded’ by a thick jungle of plants. Nevertheless its fairytale look invites to come closer, no matter that it means a fight with almighty vegetation. So cute from the outside, this villa is quite damaged inside. Despite its poor condition, the building still hides a few quite photogenic decaying rooms and is worth some shots.
Have you ever visited one place twice during the same trip abroad? I always try to see as much as possible, so that wouldn’t be the most rational thing to do when the time is so limited. Nevertheless, I couldn’t miss a chance see this stunning abandoned church in Serbia painted in the colours of the earliest sunrise so I went there for the second time early in the morning, despite spending there a few hours already a day before and I don’t regret any minute spent there. The sunrise turned the temple into something magic and seeing it you can easily stuck there forever. I did my best to eternalise at least a little part of its beauty in the pictures, and here’s the outcome—enjoy the photos!
When I entered this church situated in a small village somewhere in the Czech Republic a few little kittens ran away in all directions and hid in the corners of the temple. The presence of the fluffy ‘inhabitants’ made me doubt a bit if the site can be treated as abandoned, nevertheless seeing its decaying walls and the ceiling which is literally about to fall down it’s sure that its doors have been closed for a long time. Same as in case of many other abandoned sacral places, the decay turned this church into something gloomy and beautiful at the same time and three hours spent there taking photos passed as one moment.
Something from the exploration of one of the least explored countries in Europe. This fully furnished abandoned house situated in one of the cities in Latvia hides a lot to be discovered. Even too much, taking into consideration some details whispering that the place still may be inhabited—no matter how symbolic they are.
I didn’t expect much from this place, but finally I ended up visiting it 3 times in one week. A decaying model of the village situated in the ‘real’ village in the Czech Republic was something that I had never seen before. Due to their small size, the houses would be suitable only for the Liliputians and it was enough to make a few steps in order to move from one side of the settlement to another. Nevertheless the buildings had so many details and taken all together created such an incredible place that I spent hours exploring it.
A maze of metal constructions and massive machines. I have no idea how they function but I’m pretty sure that it would be enough to press just one button to make them work again. This huge abandoned industrial site in Latvia is so well preserved that the silence in its endless halls reminds you the end of shift rather than the shutdown of production.
Six kilometres on foot made crossing the forest and middle of nowhere as most of the buses skirt a small village in the Czech Republic where the destination of the trip was situated. Nevertheless after reaching the final point the long way definitely paid off, no matter how time consuming it was. The reason of this journey was an old abandoned church located at the end of the dorp and its beautiful decaying interior.
What can be creepier than old decaying dolls? Most likely only old decaying dolls in the abandoned building taken over by nature and decay. A spectacular composition of moss, mold and significantly bitten by time toys—that’s the best way to describe an old holiday home located in a small village in Germany. It is also the reason why you can spend in this small decaying building hours, not feeling at all how time is passing by, no matter whether you have your camera with yourself or just save the images that your eyes catch deep in your mind—so that your uncouscioness had some material for your future nightmares.