The Unknown Side of Prague. Part 2: A Few Sights from Vysočany [Czech Republic]
DISCLAIMER. Prague is a beautiful city with lots of impressive sites to see, which make it worth coming here even from the other side of the world. The idea to show this part of the town was based on the belief that the most interesting places are the undiscovered ones and their obscureness is their beauty. This article cannot be treated as a travel guide while planning a trip Prague.
It was just an aimless walk following the random streets of Prague. Completely randomly one of them brought me to Vysočany. Definitely not that part of Prague where you can find most of historical monuments or other ‘must see’ places. On the other hand, isn’t such unknown area the best when you don’t care about the destination at all?
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The Unknown Side of Prague. Part 1: A Wasteland near the Libeň Train Station [Czech Republic]
DISCLAIMER. Prague is a beautiful city with lots of impressive sites to see, which make it worth coming here even from the other side of the world. The idea to show this part of the town was based on the belief that the most interesting places are the undiscovered ones and their obscureness is their beauty. This article cannot be treated as a travel guide while planning a trip Prague.
Grumpy industrial buildings, graffiti, and an area covered with the shade of gloominess. The described wasteland is hiding near the Libeň Train Station, just a few steps rom the railway.
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Deep into the Mist. The Magic of Gloomy Landscapes [Prague, Czech Republic]
Just another area which is more about its atmosphere caused by a particular time of the year and weather than the physical location. Following the road through the misty landscape in the outskirts of Prague (Czech Republic) it was simply impossible not to stop and immortalize the views on the pictures. Here’s the result—gloomy, even a bit frightening sceneries that are definitely not that often to see.
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Where the City Ends. A Quick Look on the Suburbs of Timișoara [Romania]
DISCLAIMER. Timișoara is a nice city with lots of interesting places to see, including historical monuments and museums. The decision to spend some time in the grey suburbs of the city instead of its lively centre was the result of my subjective opinion. This article cannot be treated as a travel guide while planning a trip to Timișoara.
The last stop of the bus that went in the direction I needed was just where Timișoara ends, and this is how some ‘extra’ area to explore appeared in my trip plan—no matter how unplanned. The thing that made me stop there were some old neglected buildings and atmosphere so different from the city centre.
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Another Random Village. Following the Roads of Štědrá [Czech Republic]
Just another unknown village that I would probably never go if not one famous abandoned place situated in the area. Štědrá is a small settlement situated far a away from big cities, and first thing that you can see there after leaving the train are a few old buildings covered with a shade of decay and emptiness surrounding them. However, despite the gloomy impression they create, it is still worth to stay there for a while and explore the area around.
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Following Empty Roads. A Few Sights from Țaul [Moldova]
It had been already some time since Moldova appeared on my bucket list before I finally visited it. Probably the best way to describe this country is as the place which is special because of having nothing special at all, apart from its unique atmosphere. That’s why when I went there, I chose the backroads crossing empty fields and leading to remote villages. One of the settlements I visited was Țaul, situated on the north of the country.
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In the Middle of Nowhere. Following the Road Through Zbraslav [Czech Republic]
No matter what’s the final destination, a trip can bring you to many other sites which are simply too unknown to be chosen for the place to visit but still worth to stop for a while. Zbraslav is a small village in the western part of the Czech Republic that I visited on the way to the church of ghosts, quite famous decaying temple in the area. The thing making this settlement so unforgettable was its remoteness—there was nothing else around apart from forests and fields surrounding a few old buildings lost in the middle of nowhere.
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Following Random Streets. The Undiscovered Side of Baranavichy [Belarus]
I often go to some places having without any special plan to explore them, only because they are on my way to other destinations. Baranavichy, a city in the southwestern part of Belarus, was not an exception—I went there while travelling to other places. Having no plan to explore the area at all, the best ‘plan’ that I found is simply to follow random streets and in this way reaching the side of the town that only locals know.
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