Just another abandoned villa in Italy still hiding a beauty that slowly fades away. Not that much has left inside, only a living room with impressive furniture. At first sight it would seem that there are sure some abandoned places that deserve more atention and that would be true. However, the incredible composition of luxury and decay that time made inside this villa is definitely worth stopping by for a while.
The previously mentioned incredibility of the place is mainly about the living room where the ceiling was replaced with the sky. That also required some minor rearrangements. For instance, the old chandelier, not able to compete with the magic moonlight was found himself in the new role of the table decoration.
Once beautiful paintings above the doors seem to be unsuccessfully fighting with the art made by decay. The cracks on the walls little by little replace the frescoes.
Most of elegant chairs suprisingly are still in the place where they’re supposed to be—near the table. It makes an incredible huge contrast with the view behind them.
A few more looks on the decay taking over the place.
One of the chairs tries to escape from decay taking over the place. However, with not much success.
The only inhabitant of the villa, an old mannequin, fitted perfectly in the decaying interior and could easily mak scary those who enter the place not expecting to meet there anybody.
A closer look.
For the conclusion, a quick glimpse on the most beautiful part of the villa.