Deep into the Mist. The Magic of Gloomy Landscapes [Prague, Czech Republic]

Just another area which is more about its atmosphere caused by a particular time of the year and weather than the physical location. Following the road through the misty landscape in the outskirts of Prague (Czech Republic) it was simply impossible not to stop and immortalize the views on the pictures. Here’s the result—gloomy, even a bit frightening sceneries that are definitely not that often to see.

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Under the Ceiling of the Sky. The Last Breath of a Decaying Villa [Italy]

Just another abandoned villa in Italy still hiding a beauty that slowly fades away. Not that much has left inside, only a living room with impressive furniture. At first sight it would seem that there are sure some abandoned places that deserve more atention and that would be true. However, the incredible composition of luxury and decay that time made inside this villa is definitely worth stopping by for a while.

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