If Only Your Bus Were Delayed: The Coziest Bus Stop Ever [Krucemburk, Czech Republic]

Have you ever imagined a bus stop so cozy that you would even wish your bus were delayed? In Krucemburk, Czech Republic, you can find just that. This bus stop is designed like a typical living room in the area, complete with a table, pictures on the wall, and even a shelf full of books to ensure you’re never bored while waiting for the bus. What more could you ask for?

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Gods, Devils, Politicians, and Much More: Visiting the Homestead of Nonsense [Stoniūnai, Lithuania]

Plenty of wooden sculptures representing mystic characters, politicians, and other creatures can be found near a house in Stoniūnai, a village in northern Lithuania. Called the “Homestead of Nonsense,” or “Nesąmonių sodyba” in Lithuanian, this location is a fun place to stop by while passing through the settlement.

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Open, but No Staff Inside: A Self-Service Pub in the Forest [Lipová-lázně, Czech Republic]

What would you like to find the most during a long hiking trip? How about a pub in the middle of the forest? You might think it’s impossible because nobody would work that far from civilization. But no problem—this can be a self-service pub like ‘The Forest Pub’ (Lesní bar in Czech) near the village of Lipová-lázně in the Czech Republic.

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