Have you ever imagined a bus stop so cozy that you would even wish your bus were delayed? In Krucemburk, Czech Republic, you can find just that. This bus stop is designed like a typical living room in the area, complete with a table, pictures on the wall, and even a shelf full of books to ensure you’re never bored while waiting for the bus. What more could you ask for?
Plenty of wooden sculptures representing mystic characters, politicians, and other creatures can be found near a house in Stoniūnai, a village in northern Lithuania. Called the “Homestead of Nonsense,” or “Nesąmonių sodyba” in Lithuanian, this location is a fun place to stop by while passing through the settlement.
What would you like to find the most during a long hiking trip? How about a pub in the middle of the forest? You might think it’s impossible because nobody would work that far from civilization. But no problem—this can be a self-service pub like ‘The Forest Pub’ (Lesní bar in Czech) near the village of Lipová-lázně in the Czech Republic.