What would you do if the electricity supply was cut off? The owner of a house in Brno, Czech Republic, certainly isn’t worried about that possibility. Why? Take a look at his incredible solution.
A house with hands embracing a tree, a giant clock adorned with sculptures, and vivid walls—could you imagine such an extraordinary building exists? It does! This remarkable place located in Brno, Czech Republic, known as Kristkův Dům, is a real architectural marvel. It undoubtedly captures the attention of passersby, which is no surprise at all, given its truly extraordinary design.
Death—is it a terminus, or just an intermediate stop on the way to somewhere else? Prepare to be surprised by an extraordinary grave in one of the cemeteries in Brno, Czech Republic, which confidently suggests the latter. Instead of a cross, it features a bus stop sign labeled “NE KONEČNÁ” (meaning “Not Final” in Czech), giving death a completely different meaning and suggesting that life continues beyond.