Kuřim is an ordinary town in the Czech Republic hiding quite an extraordinary place—a fairytale garden full of decorations made by its owner. Luckily the holes of the net fence a big enough so that passersby can see magic creatures living there and other cute details. Below are some of them.
The very first thing that can be seen on the other side of the gate is a hill of old shoes. Overused to wear one more time, they have got their second life here by turning into the pots for the plants. Moreover, put all together the shoes create an incredible composition that could make you stare for ages.
At this point, you may start wondering—what is this place all about? A huge piece of wood holding the previously mentioned composition of the shoes is whispering that this site is a botanical garden.
So green, it really deserves this name. Nevertheless, there’s much more to see here apart from plants.
The most impressive inhabitant of site place is a blue face man dressed in joyful clothes. The guy is so colorful that it takes a while to decide what is more vivid—this creature by itself, or his outfit. Below are some photo shots made trying to see him from different angles.
It’s also impossible to miss a couple of old trees that once were growing in this garden. Today they would have been already dead if the owner didn’t give them the next life. Her wide imagination has turned the trees into the creatures same interesting as blue face guy.
It’s also worth to mention a couple of sculptures which would be quite ‘ordinary’, if not the extraordinary hats that they wear.
The fence surrounding the place is decorated with colorful flowers.
And shells.
Exploring the place further, you can spot even more extraordinary decorations.
The last look on the site over the fence. According to the neighbors, the place is changing depending on the season of the year, so it might be worth to revisit it some day 🙂