An Idyllic Spot in Nature: A Cute Painted Watermill [Temska, Serbia]

There’s a charming painted watermill located in Temska, Serbia, surrounded by the forest of Stara Planina National Park. Despite showing signs of slight decay, the vibrant flower paintings on its walls are just as vivid as the picturesque surroundings. I couldn’t resist taking some photos to capture the beauty of this peaceful spot.

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A Strange Building in the Ordinary Town: An Incredible Transformation of the Old House [Ripanj, Serbia]

Ripanj is a small, ordinary town in Serbia, but as you walk its streets, you’ll encounter something that will make you stop: a huge, multi-story building with a dome on top. What is it? A church? A castle? Seeing such a bizarre building will definitely make you curious to hear its story.

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The Pale Blueness of the Decaying Walls. Exploring The Abandoned Butterfly Palace [Serbia]

The blueness and butterflies. These are two things that will sure stuck in mind for a along time after visiting the abandoned palace situated in some village in Serbia. No matter how pale and its walls are, a bit of imagination will let you see how vivid they were in the time of the greatness of this building. Probably the most impressive part of the palace is an elegant staircase with huge colorful butterflies flying there and greeting each unexpected visitor who by some reason entered the site.

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Taken over by Nature. Exploring the Cute Abandoned Villa [Serbia]

An easy to jump over the fence doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be also simple to access the building surrounded by it. This abandoned villa in Serbia is ‘guarded’ by a thick jungle of plants. Nevertheless its fairytale look invites to come closer, no matter that it means a fight with almighty vegetation. So cute from the outside, this villa is quite damaged inside. Despite its poor condition, the building still hides a few quite photogenic decaying rooms and is worth some shots.

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The Magic of Sunrise. An Early Morning in the Abandoned Church [Serbia]

Have you ever visited one place twice during the same trip abroad? I always try to see as much as possible, so that wouldn’t be the most rational thing to do when the time is so limited. Nevertheless, I couldn’t miss a chance see this stunning abandoned church in Serbia painted in the colours of the earliest sunrise so I went there for the second time early in the morning, despite spending there a few hours already a day before and I don’t regret any minute spent there. The sunrise turned the temple into something magic and seeing it you can easily stuck there forever. I did my best to eternalise at least a little part of its beauty in the pictures, and here’s the outcome—enjoy the photos!

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A Village in the Mountains. A Quick Visit of Pakleštica [Serbia]

Pakleštica, a small village in the mountains in Serbia, was in my itineary as one of the places to see while exploring the area around Zavojsko Lake. Some photos seen while planning the trip let me assume that I can find there something that is quite rare to see nowadays—old cabins which looked as if they were from a different century. So, despite the fact that visiting this place meant for me going a few kilometres out of the way I decided to go for it and extend my hike a bit.

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In the Middle of Nowhere. A Ruin of the Church in the Meadow [Serbia]

I’ll be honest—this place wasn’t a priority for me, but having a chance to see a ruin of the church painted with the colours of sunrise on the way from another more famous location I couldn’t not include it to my itineary as well. So, after sacrificing a few hours of sleep I was finally in a small Serbian village and the only thing left was a quick walk through the narrow streets in order to reach the site faster than the sun.

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After the Last Flight. Decaying Planes near the Airport [Serbia]

When there’s still some time before your flight, you have 2 options: spend it at the airport to make sure you are not late or explore the area around and see what is hidding there. When I was waiting for my flight home from Belgrade I chose the second one without any doubts.

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