The Magic of Sunrise. An Early Morning in the Abandoned Church [Serbia]

Have you ever visited one place twice during the same trip abroad? I always try to see as much as possible, so that wouldn’t be the most rational thing to do when the time is so limited. Nevertheless, I couldn’t miss a chance see this stunning abandoned church in Serbia painted in the colours of the earliest sunrise so I went there for the second time early in the morning, despite spending there a few hours already a day before and I don’t regret any minute spent there. The sunrise turned the temple into something magic and seeing it you can easily stuck there forever. I did my best to eternalise at least a little part of its beauty in the pictures, and here’s the outcome—enjoy the photos!

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Kittens among the Pews. An Abandoned Church and Its Fluffy Inhabitants [Czech Republic]

When I entered this church situated in a small village somewhere in the Czech Republic a few little kittens ran away in all directions and hid in the corners of the temple. The presence of the fluffy ‘inhabitants’ made me doubt a bit if the site can be treated as abandoned, nevertheless seeing its decaying walls and the ceiling which is literally about to fall down it’s sure that its doors have been closed for a long time. Same as in case of many other abandoned sacral places, the decay turned this church into something gloomy and beautiful at the same time and three hours spent there taking photos passed as one moment.

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The Beauty of the Cracked Walls and Dusty Corners. Behind the Doors of the Old Abandoned Church [Czech Republic]

Six kilometres on foot made crossing the forest and middle of nowhere as most of the buses skirt a small village in the Czech Republic where the destination of the trip was situated. Nevertheless after reaching the final point the long way definitely paid off, no matter how time consuming it was. The reason of this journey was an old abandoned church located at the end of the dorp and its beautiful decaying interior.

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In the Middle of Nowhere. A Ruin of the Church in the Meadow [Serbia]

I’ll be honest—this place wasn’t a priority for me, but having a chance to see a ruin of the church painted with the colours of sunrise on the way from another more famous location I couldn’t not include it to my itineary as well. So, after sacrificing a few hours of sleep I was finally in a small Serbian village and the only thing left was a quick walk through the narrow streets in order to reach the site faster than the sun.

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Many Years After the Last Mass. Just Another Amazingly Beautiful Abandoned Church [Czech Republic]

If I had to choose one special thing about that trip it would be definitely lots of dogs that started barking loudely immediately after seeing someone entering the village. This is something that helps to imagine what kind of place was my travel destination—the settlement so small and remote, that its quadruped protectors treat as an intruder everyone whom they haven’t seen yet. Taking the above into consideration, as well as the fact that there should a good reason for visiting a random remote village in the Czech Republic, it’s easy to guess that something worth seeing is hidden there—the goal of the trip was a small but impressive abandoned church.


The Magic of Sunrise in the Decaying Temple. An Abandoned Protestant Church [Poland]

The whole night spent in the train making a few hundred kilometres long trip through Poland. Then a change to the bus when the darkness was still covering the town and only those who are really forced to go somewhere can be met on the train station. The thing forcing me that time to go for such enormously long journey leaving home in even more time of the day (or rather night) was an abandoned Protestant church.

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A Dry Fir and Shiny Baubles. The Christmas Spirit Imprisoned in the Decaying Church [Czech Republic]

It was just another abandoned church hiding in some village in the Czech Republic. The same as in case of other forgotten sacral places, there was a beauty flowing from its bitten by time walls and decaying interior. However, this decaying temple had also something more—a detail that made it stuck in mind for a long time after leaving the site.

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An Abandoned Church on the Hill. One More Story of Decay [Czech Republic]

It was a gloomy day and better weather would definitely make a trip nicer, especially as it was a long walk through villages and areas which can be simply named as the middle of nowhere. However, after reaching the place it appeared that the grey sky perfectly filled the scenery where the final destination of the journey was situated. This place was an old decaying church on the hill, still carefully covered with greyness, so common for the beginning of spring, and together with the colourless clouds making this site even a bit frightening.

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The Abandoned Church ‘Sv. Segoš’ [Czech Republic]

It was the first abandoned church in the Czech Republic that I got to know about and the one that made me search even for more of them. Not surprising at all, as the beauty of its interior can make you stay inside for ages. Thus it’s worth to open its heavy doors and have a closer look on what is hidden behind.

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The Abandoned Church ‘The Hidden Pearl’ [Czech Republic]

The beauty of decaying churches is a never ending story. So engaging one, that the will to read its next chapter can make you go a long way, no matter how many kilometres it counts. This time the mentioned story takes us to an ordinary village in the Czech Republic, hiding, in contrast, an abandoned church which is so spectacular, that even the ones in use can be jealous of its beauty.

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